Important Note: If you are using Windows 95/98/ME, and the SCSI ID setting on the rear panel is the same as the number assigned to another SCSI device, the Plug and Play component of Windows 95/98/ME will automatically assign an unused number to your new
Press to decrement SCSI ID number
SCSI ID number
Press to increment SCSI ID number
Important Note:The SCSI ID number for each device on the chain must be unique. Make sure the CRW2100SXZ drive’s SCSI ID number is not the same as that of any other device on the chain. By factory default, the CRW2100SXZ is assigned ID number “1” but this can be changed.
Important Note: If the SCSI card supports SCAM and SCAM is turned “ON,” a different ID number may be assigned if the SCSI ID number on the rear panel coincides with another SCSI device.
3.3.2. Settings
Terminators prevent SCSI signals from being reflected off the last device in the chain. The terminator setting indicates whether or not your new
Terminator ON - Use this setting if your new
Terminator OFF - Use this setting if devices other than your new