Chapter 8
Intermediate TechniquesThis chapter is a grab bag full of various tips that solidify your DJ chops and put you on
your way to really mastering the instrument! Take your time and get these down before
moving on to Chapter 9...
38 Transpose the key
The Key Shifter section of the DJX-IIB lets you take the pitch (or “key”) of the overall sound, and
transpose it up or down — instantly!
Believe it or not, changing the key of the overall sound makes subtle but fundamental changes to
the character of the sound as well. Use higher keys (+1 to +6) to make the sound more tense or
brighter, and use the lower keys (-1 to -5) to make the sound more relaxed and subdued.
To change the key, hold down the KEY SHIFTER button and simultaneously turn the Scratch Pad.
The amount of shift is shown in the display (-5 to 0 to +6, with 0 being normal pitch). Keep holding
down the button until the point at which you want to change key, then release it — the key changes
to the new setting instantly!
Key Shifter is especially convenient when you’re using the DJX-IIB with an external sound source,
such as CD or vinyl — letting you match the key of the Pattern to the key on the external source!