Chapter 14 Live Effector Power Tips
65 Ring Modulation
As we pointed out in Tip 10, this effect is a powerful one, so you’ll want to save it for huge, in-your-
face intros, transitions and endings. Here’s how you can use Ring Modulation to build to an enor-
mous climax:
First, set the controls — CONTROL to min and BALANCE to max. Then, hold the effect on (or lock
it, as described in Tip 7), and simultaneously move the CONTROL knob toward max — very slowly.
Use the effect to build to a fever pitch, then — right at the climactic moment, just before the “one”
— turn the effect off and switch to a new Pattern or Variation.
66 Flanger
Tweak the knob until you hit the “sweet spot” — the point at which the Flanger’s modulation cycle
syncs up to the bpm and gives you the rhythmic effect you want. (See the illustration in Tip 64 for
details on how the knob settings relate to bpm.)
67 Phaser
Tweak the knob until you hit the “sweet spot” — the point at which the Phaser’s modulation cycle
syncs up to the bpm and gives you the rhythmic effect you want. (See the illustration in Tip 64 for
details on how the knob settings relate to bpm.)
68 Slice
The different rhythm feels that Slice creates depends on the Pattern you’ve selected as well as the
CONTROL knob setting. Experimentation is the key! Try different Patterns and see how they
morph when you change the CONTROL knob setting. Move the knob slowly, and find your favorite
q w
Turn the knob
VERY slowly!