69 Delay
Clever use of Delay is a cornerstone in many different styles of dance music — especially dub. For
a dub flavor, set the BALANCE knob to around 2 or 3 o'clock, and turn on the effect only for certain
beats. Play around with this — experiment and try to hit the “sweet spot,” the point where the
Delay locks into the groove and gives you the feel you want!
Knob position and Delay time
The knob position determines the rhythmic division (in note values) of the Delay — automatically
synchronizing the Delay to the bpm.
70 Delay fill-in
Delay can be also used as a break or fill-in to take you into the next Pattern. This takes a little bit of
practice and gives your rhythm chops a workout — but when you hit it right, it can really rock the
Set both the CONTROL and BALANCE knobs to 12 o’clock. Select P38, and play V A1. Turn on the
effect right on the “four” and hit PATTERN STOP on the next “one.” Let the delay wind down, then
come in with V A3. Experiment with this a bit, hitting the effect a fraction of a second earlier or
stopping the Pattern later.
One Two Three Four
Try hitting the beat with
the effect at these points.
One Two Three Four One Two Three Four One Two Three Four One Two Three Four
Hit the effect
...turn off the
pattern here...
...and break to
the new pattern
(V A3) !