If you have a voice set programmed on a Yamaha DX21 Digital Programmable Algorithm Synthesizer, these voices can be transferred from data cassette into the DX27. Of course, since the DX27 has 24 voice memories while the DX21 has 32, using the DX27 cassette LOAD operation will load only the first 24 voices of the DX21 32-voice set into the INTERNAL memory. The other voices (25-32) can be loaded using the DX27 LOAD SINGLE function. The voice numbers for voices 25 through 32 are accessed by pressing the STORE, FUNCTION, EDIT, INTERNAL PLAY, and BANK A-D buttons.


This function turns the DX27 MEMORY PROTECT function on or off. When on, the INTERNAL voice memory cannot be altered using the STORE or CASSETTE LOAD functions. The MEMORY PROTECT function does not affect the voice edit buffer, so the INIT VOICE, RECALL EDIT, and CASSETTE LOAD SINGLE functions will operate whether MEMORY protect is on or off.

When this function is called, the LCD will read either “M. Protection” or “M. Protect:off,” according to the current state of the MEMORY PROTECT function (MEMORY PROTECT is automatically turned ON each time main power to the DX27 is turned ON). The -1/+1 buttons and DATA ENTRY control are used to turn MEMORY PROTECT on or off.

6. MIDI Functions

This group of functions deals with parameters which control the transmission and reception of MIDI data via the DX27’s MIDI OUT and MIDI IN terminals. This section will describe how each parameter is programmed, while actual operational details will depend entirely on the type of MIDI equipment with which the DX27 will be used.


This function turns transmission and reception via the DX27’s MIDI terminals on or off. When on, the DX27 can transmit or receive MIDI data to or from external MIDI equipment. When off, no MIDI data interchange is possible.

This function is turned on or off using the -1/+1 buttons or DATA ENTRY slider.