Feedback can be applied to one operator in each algorithm. Pressing this button permits setting the amount (level) of feedback which will be applied.
The feedback level range is from 0 to 7. At 0, feedback is OFF, and at 7 maximum feedback is applied.
Data is entered via the DATA ENTRY slider or buttons.
“LFO” stands for Low Frequency Oscillator. This oscillator is used to apply modulation effects such as tremolo or vibrato to the DX27 voices. By setting the LFO WAVE, SPEED, and SYNC parameters, you determine the effect that will be applied to the currently selected voice when the modulation wheel or breath controller is operated. The effect can also be applied without using the Wheel or Breath Controller by adjusting the AMD and PMD parameters. The LFO parameters work together with the MODULATION SENSITIVITY (9 and 10) parameters, and these must be set carefully to achieve the desired effect.
Permits selection of the low frequency oscillator waveform. The available waveforms are SAW UP (a rising sawtooth waveform), SQUARE, TRIANGLE, and S/HOLD (sample and hold). When used in conjunction with LFO SPEED, DELAY, LFO PMD, and LFO AMD, a vast range of phase shifting and
These waveforms are selected using the DATA ENTRY slider or buttons.
Permits setting the speed of the low frequency oscillator. The data range is from 0 to 99.0 corresponds to the slowest LFO speed (0.0008 Hz), and 99 corresponds to the fastest LFO speed (55 Hz).