Playing the ELS-01/01C — Tutorial 47
Electric Guitar SoloUsing the M5 Registration as the basis, change the Upper Keyboard Voice 2 and Lower Keyboard Voice 1. The
main Voice in this Registration is Electric Guitar. Here, we’ll create an exciting distorted electric guitar sound.
First, turn the Upper Keyboard Voice 1 volume to 0, then press the SUSTAIN [UPPER] button to turn Sustain
Changing the Upper Keyboard Voice settings
Select [Elec Guitar 2] for Upper Keyboard Voice 2.
This Voice is included in the [GUITAR] button, display Page 2.
Make the appropriate Voice Condition settings for Elec Guitar 2.
Change the Voice Condition settings in display Pages 1 – 4 and the Brilliance setting according to the
following chart. Settings/values that should be changed are highlighted in color.
The adjusted Tune setting gives the sound a certain amount of tension.
Horizontal and After Touch lets you change the volume and timbre of the sound by your performance
technique on the Upper keyboard.
This completes the UPPER KEYBOARD VOICE 2 settings.
Voice Condition Settings
Page 1 Pan Center
Touch Tone Initial: 8 After: 8
Pitch Horizontal: 6 After: -9
Feet 8'
Reverb 22
Volume 24
Page 2 Vibrato User Delay: 3, Depth: 3,
Speed: 1
Touch Vibrato OFF
Transpose 0
Tune +8
Page 3 Effect 1 Distortion+
Type 1 Dist.+Delay
Page 4 Effect 2 Thru
Type 2 Thru
BRILLIANCE 4th from bottom
Horizontal Touch is available only on the ELS-01C.