including chart titles, hits,
oldies, pop, rock, evergreens,
classical music, folk music, med-
leys, etc... In the YAMAHA download
shop anyone can locate new ideas and inspiration for their musical repertoire.
It's so easy to download files:
1GO TO THE START PAGE, look for a title, listen to a sample (Demo) by opening "PRODUKTE" from
the top menu | 1 |
2REGISTER AS A CUSTOMER: by selecting "ANMELDEN" in the top right of the site
Confirm the total for the shopping basket 2
(Visa / MasterCard)
4B PAYMENT VIA CLICK & BUY SERVICE. 3 Register at C+B, decide the payment option. Continue shopping after your C+B account has been confirmed.
5CONFIRM. The necessary information is sent to you by
please click "Mein YAMAHA Konto", 4 select
6SAVE THE FILE ON YOUR PC and copy it to floppy disk or USB stick.
•Top midi files & styles with YAMAHA's standards of quality
•Created by our
•Hits for parties and live concerts
•Great rhythms for solo entertainers
•Pieces to practice
•Arrangements with which to play or sing along
•For professional musicians
•For home enthusiasts
•For entertainment or karaoke shows
•Weekly upload of new titles, Charts and Standards
•More than 850 songs / 530 styles / 40 packs available
•Since May 2006: nearly 100 Songs in new TYROS2 format
•Since August 2006: new shop, alternative payment methods
•Search functions for title, artist and style
•Download of low prized single titles and packages
•Listen to a audio demo (MP3) before you buy
•Only € 5.50 per song or style
(€ 7,90 for XT2 songs and medleys)
•10% discount for more than 10 titles
•Secure payment by credit card (Visa / MasterCard) or Click&Buy
•Song and Style formats XT/2, X9, XA, GM inside
•With lyrics, musical notation and vocal harmony track
•Optimised for YAMAHA keyboards + Clavinova
With our MIDI files you can get the best music out of your instrument, and even scores and lyrics in the display. We provide you with just what you need for any style of music.
Buying from YAMAHA on the internet is easy. Simply follow the instructions on your computer screen. You can find what you are looking for and receive the data automatically.
NEW CUSTOMERS we recommend to register first. Go to “Anmelden“ on top right of the site and fill out the given regi- stration table. You define a PASSWORD (KENNWORT) by your- self, please keep it in mind always. Along with your email address, your password will identify your access to our shop. Filling out the registration form correctly will secure a stable shopping and download service.
Before starting your search, be ready with your CREDIT CARD details (Visa, MasterCard). If you don’t own a credit card, our new shop offers alternative payment methods like bank collection, handled by CLICK & BUY. This service requires an independent registration. Find more about the C+B service under www.clickandbuy.com.
Please read our “terms of use“ (AGBs) under “Service“ before starting your shopping tour.
You should set out from the appropriate START PAGE.
A gray navigation layer is situated in the area to the left, as well as on the horizontal top line. It
enables you to move back and forth between the various areas of the download shop at any time.
Under “PRODUKTE” you can use a variety of different search functions to find the titles you want, be they midi files, styles, registrations or packs.
....on subsequent pages ➜➜