Effect Type List
MM6/MM8 Owner’s Manual 101
● DSP TypesNo. Type Description MSB LSB
Reverb simulating the acoustics of a hall.
2 HALL2 116
3 HALL3 117
4 HALL4 118
5 HALL5 11
6 HALL M 16
7 HALL L 17
Reverb simulating the acoustics of a room.
9ROOM2 217
10 ROOM3 218
11 ROOM4 219
12 ROOM5 20
13 ROOM6 21
14 ROOM7 22
15 ROOM S 25
16 ROOM M 26
17 ROOM L 27
Reverb suitable for a solo instrument.
19 STAGE2 317
20 STAGE3 30
21 STAGE4 31
Reverb simulating a plate reverb unit.
23 PLATE2 417
24 PLATE3 40
25 GM PLATE 47
Conventional chorus program with rich, warm chorusing.
66 17
27 CHORUS2 66 8
28 CHORUS3 66 16
29 CHORUS4 66 1
30 CHORUS5 65 2
31 CHORUS6 65 0
32 CHORUS7 65 1
33 CHORUS8 65 8
34 GM CHORUS1 65 3
35 GM CHORUS2 65 4
36 GM CHORUS3 65 5
37 GM CHORUS4 65 6
38 FB CHORUS 65 7
39 CELESTE1 A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound. 66 0
40 CELESTE2 66 2
41 SYMPHONIC1 Adds more stages to the modulation of Celeste. 68 16
42 SYMPHONIC2 68 0
43 ENS DETUNE Chorus effect without modulation, created by adding a slightly pitch-shifted sound. 87 0
Echo for karaoke.
20 0
45 KARAOKE2 20 1
46 KARAOKE3 20 2
47 ER1 This effect isolates only the early reflection components of the reverb. 90
48 ER2 91
49 GATE REVERB Simulation of gated reverb. 10 0
50 REVERS GATE Simulation of gated reverb played back in reverse. 11 0
51 EQ DISCO Equalizer effect that boosts both high and low frequencies, as is typical in most disco
music. 76 16
52 EQ TEL Equalizer effect that cuts both high and low frequencies, to simulate the sound heard
through a telephone receiver. 76 17
53 2BAND EQ A stereo EQ with adjustable LOW and HIGH. Ideal for drum Parts. 77 0
54 3BAND EQ A mono EQ with adjustable LOW, MID, and HIGH equalizing. 76 0
55 3BAND EQ2 76 19
56 HM ENHANCE1 Adds new harmonics to the input signal to make the sound stand out. 81 16
57 HM ENHANCE2 81 0
58 ST 3BAND EQ An EQ which allows equalization of low, mid and high bands. 76 18
59 ST 3BAND EQ2 76 20
Creates a sound reminiscent of a jet airplane.
67 8
61 FLANGER2 67 16
62 FLANGER3 67 17
63 FLANGER4 67 1
64 FLANGER5 67 0
65 GM FLANGER 67 7
66 DYN FLANGER Dynamically controlled flanger. 110 0
67 DELAY LCR1 Produces three delayed sounds: L, R and C (center). 516
68 DELAY LCR2 50
69 DELAY LR Produces two delayed sounds: L and R. Two feedback delays are provided. 6 0
70 ECHO Two delayed sounds (L and R), and independent feedback delays for L and R. 7 0
71 CROSS DELAY The feedback of the two delayed sounds is crossed. 8 0
72 DIST HEAVY Heavy distortion. 73 0