MM6/MM8 Owner’s Manual 65
■ Utility Display List
* Press the [INC/YES][DEC/NO] buttons simultaneously to instantly recall the default settings (except for initial MIDI setup).
Group Function Item Display Indication Range/Settings Description
EFFECT Reverb Type Reverb Type 01–26 Determines the Reverb type, “26” is “off”. (See the list
on page 100)
Chorus Type Chorus Type 01–31 Determines the Chor us type. “31” is “off”. (See the
list on page 100)
Sets the equalizer applied to the instrument output
(including headphones or other output) for optimum
sound in different listening situations.
DSP Type DSP Type 001–190 Determines the DSP type. “190” is “off”. (See the list
on page 101).
Master EQ Type Master EQ Type 1 (Flat), 2 (Attack),
3 (Hard), 4 (Retro),
5 (HighPass)
Selects the Master EQ type. Use this feature to boost
the bass, reduce the reproduction range for special
effects, and more.
VOLUME Pattern Volume Pattern Volume 000–127 Determines the volume of pattern playback.
Song Volume Song Volume 000–127 Determines the volume of song playback.
OVERALL Tuning Tuning 415.3–466.2 Hz Sets the pitch of the instrument’s sound in approxi-
mately 0.2 Hertz increments.
Pitch Bend Range Pitch Bend Range 01–12 Sets the pitch bend range in semitone increments.
Split Point Split Point 000–127(C-2–G8) Determines the highest key for the Split voice and
sets the Split “point”—in other words, the key that
separates the Split (lower) and Main (upper) voices.
The Split Point and Accompaniment Split Point set-
tings are automatically set to the same value.
Touch Sensitivity Touch Sensitivity
1 (Soft), 2 (Medium),
3 (Hard), 4 (off)
Determines the sensitivity of the feature.
Chord Fingering Chord Fingering 1 (Multi Finger),
2 (FullKeyboard)
Sets the chord detection mode.
In the Multi Finger mode both normal chords and
simple chords played to the left of the split point are
detected. In the Full keyboard mode normal chords
played anywhere on the keyboard will be detected,
and notes played normally will sound as well.
ARPEGGIO Arpeggio Type Arpeggio Type 01–150 Selects the arpeggio type. Refer to the arpeggio list
on page 104.
Arpeggio Velocity Arpeggio Velocity
1 (Original), 2 (Thru)
Sets the arpeggio volume.
PC MODE PC Mode PC Mode ON/OFF Optimizes the MIDI settings for connecting to a com-
puter (page 79).
MIDI Local On/Off Local ON/OFF Local control determines whether or not notes played
on the instrument are sounded by its internal tone
generator system: the internal tone generator is
active when local control is on, and inactive when
local control is off. (page 78)
External Clock
External Clock ON/OFF These settings determine whether the instrument is
synchronized to its own internal clock (OFF), or to a
clock signal from an external device (ON). (page 78)
Keyboard Out Keyboard Out ON/OFF These settings determine whether keyboard perfor-
mance data is transmitted via the MIDI output (ON)
or not (OFF).
Pattern Out Pattern Out ON/OFF Determines whether pattern data will be output via
the MIDI output (ON) or not (OFF) during pattern
Song Out Song Out ON/OFF Determines whether song data will be output via the
MIDI output (ON) or not (OFF) during song playback.
Initial Setup Initial Setup YES/NO Sends the instrument’s panel data to a computer.
Press [INC/YES] to send, or press [DEC/NO] to can-
METRONOME Time Signature –
Time Signature –
Determines the time signature of the metronome.
Time Signature
Time Signature
2, 4, 8,16 Sets the length of each metronome beat.
Volume Metronome Vol-
000–127 Deter mines the volume of the metronome.
UTILITY Demo Cancel Demo Cancel ON/OFF When ON, demo playback will not start even if the
[SONG] and [PATTERN] buttons are pressed simulta-