You can assign a specific effect to
the [MODULATION] wheel in Edit
mode (see page 51) which is
completely unrelated to the
modulation effects available by
pressing the [MODULATION] button
(see page 23) once or more. Note
that when the vibrato effect is
assigned to the [MODULATION]
wheel, you cannot apply vibrato
modulation to the Piano voices 1 ~ 4.
Also note that the reverb depth or
modulation speed may be set at 0 for
certain voices, and therefore produce
no noticeable effect. (For information
about changing reverb depth, see
page 22. For information about
changing modulation speed, see
page 23.)
3. Exit Demo Play mode.
If you select Song 1 Play, Song 2 Play or Song 3 Play the P-150 will exit the
Demo Play mode automatically when the selected song finishes playing.
To exit Demo Play mode while a song is playing, simply press the [REVERB] button.
You cannot enter Demo Play mode
(or any other Play mode) when the P-
150 is in Edit mode. (The LED above
the [EDIT] button will blink when the
P-150 is in Edit mode.) To exit Edit
mode, simply press the [EDIT] button.
Also note that you will not be able to
play the P-150 or use any of the Edit
mode functions while a Demo song is

Playing the Voices

Selecting and playing the voices of a new P-150 is simple, since by default the
instrument starts up for the first time in Voice Play mode with initialized parameter
settings, PIANO 1 voice selected.
Therefore, all you have to do is press a [VOICE SELECT] button and start playing
the keyboard. Take a few minutes and try playing each of the voices and notice
the rich quality and dimension of the P-150s AWM sound, complete with the
nuance of natural expression via the keyboard.
As you play, try out the [PITCH] wheel, which lets you bend notes up or down.
Also try out the [MODULATION] wheel, which lets you add varying degrees of
vibrato (or other effects) to the voices.
While youre at it, try out the various reverb and modulation effects, by pressing
the [REVERB] and [MODULATION] buttons once or more.
When youre ready for more, turn the page, and find out about all the P-150 has in