Harmony Parameters
Chordal Harmony ParametersThe Chordal type produces up to three harmony notes that correspond to the chords you
play on a connected MIDI keyboard (or chords recorded to a sequencer). For example, if
you play a C major triad on the keyboard (with Chordal Mode set to “trio”) and sing a C
note, the resulting harmonies will be C, E, and G. Thirty-four different chord types are
recognized in this mode (see list below), giving you an amazingly full and flexible palette
of harmonies, suitable for nearly any music style. The number of harmonies produced and
their position above or below the melody is set in the Mode parameter (page 20).
• In general, the Chordal Type is best suited when you want to simply play the chords and have the
Harmony effect automatically sort out the suitable notes.
Chords Recognized in Chordal Type
C Maj min(9) 7(13)
C#Maj6 min7(9) 7(b9)
D Maj7 min7(11) 7(b13)
D#Maj7(#11) minMaj7 7(#9)
E Maj(9) minMaj7(9) Maj7aug
F Maj7 (9) dim 7aug
F#Maj6(9) dim7 1+8
G aug 7th 1+5
G#min 7sus4 sus4
A min6 7b5 1+2+5
A#min7 7(9)
B min7b57(#11)
■ Parameter List .................................................................................
No. Parameter Display Value Default value
1 Mode 1: duet above 2: duet below 0 — 9 0
3: duet abv+b 4: trio above
5: trio a&b 6: trio below
7: trio a&b+b 8: quar above
9: quar a&b 10: quar below
2 Harmony Gender Type off, auto 0 — 1 0
3 Lead Gender Type off, unis, male, fem. 0 — 3 0
4 Lead Gender Depth -64 — +63 0 — 127 64
5 Lead Pitch Correction off, on 0 — 1 0
6 Auto Upper Gender Threshold 0 — 12 0 — 12 1
7 Auto Lower Gender Threshold 0 — 12 0 — 12 1
8 Upper Gender Depth -64 — +63 0 — 127 84
9 Lower Gender Depth -64 — +63 0 — 127 44
10 Lead/Harmony L63>H — (L=H) — L<H63 1 — 127 64
11 Vibrato Depth 0 — 127 0 — 127 39
12 Vibrato Rate 0 — 127 0 — 127 47
13 Vibrato Delay 0 — 127 0 — 127 0
14 Insertion Part off, 1 — 64, AD1 — AD64 0 — 127 127