MIDI Data FormatAppendix
1. Channel Messages
1.1 Note on/note off Harmony ch Melody ch
9n kk vv note on message OO
For Vocoder harmony, used to specify the pitch to be sounded.
For Chordal harmony, used to detect chords.
8n kk vv note off message OO
9n kk 00
n : MIDI channel
kk : note number
vv : velocity
Velocity values are ignored.
For the Harmony channel, processing will be follows.
1) For Vocoder harmony, these messages will specify the pitch to be sounded.
2) For Chordal harmony, these messages are used to direct chords.
For Melody channel, these messages are received for the following purposes.
1) For Vocoder harmony, these messages are received as the basic pitch to control the gender of the harmony sound.
2) For Vocoder harmony, if Vocoder Mode is “Auto Transpose,” the basic pitch is received.
For both 1) and 2), if the Melody channel is off, the input audio will be the basic pitch.
3) When Lead Gender and Lead Pitch Correction are on the input pitch is shifted to the note-on pitch of the received note.
If the Melody channel is off, the pitch will be shifted to the nearest chromatic pitch.
1.2 Control changes
Bn cc vv n : MIDI channel
cc : control#
vv : data
1.2.1 Data Entry
This message sets the value of the parameter that was specified by RPN (refer to 1.2.4) or NRPN (refer to 1.2.3).
Control# Parameter Data Range Harmony ch Melody ch
6 Data Entry MSB 0...127 OO
1.2.2 Hold1
This message controls sustain pedal on/off.
Control# Parameter Data Range Harmony ch Melody ch
64 Hold1 0...63,64...127 OX
(OFF , ON)
When ON, currently-sounding notes will be sustained even after note-off is received.
1.2.3 NRPN (Non-registered parameter number)
This message is used to set sound parameters such as vibrato or detune, etc.
The NRPN MSB and NRPN LSB specify the parameter which is to be controlled, and subsequently Data Entry (refer to 1.2.1) is used to set the value of
the specified parameter. Only the MSB of Data Entry is recognized.
Control# Parameter Data Range Harmony ch Melody ch
98 NRPN LSB 0...127 OO
99 NRPN MSB 0...127
The following NRPN messages are recognized.
NRPN Data Entry Parameter name and range of values Harmony ch Melody ch
00 00 mm Harmony Mute OX
mm : 00 - 63 (off), 64 - 127 (on)
01 08 mm Vibrato Rate Modulation OO
mm : 00 - 64 - 127 (0...127)
Melody channel is effective only when Gender is ON.
01 09 mm Vibrato Depth Modulation OO
mm : 00 - 64 - 127 (0...127)
Melody channel is effective only when Gender is ON.
01 10 mm Vibrato Delay Modulation OO
mm : 00 - 64 - 127 (0...127)
Melody channel is effective only when Gender is ON.
01 26 mm Detune Modulation OX
mm : 00 - 127 (0...127)
Controls the overall amount of detune specified for the individual voice.
The following NRPN numbers independently control the volume of each harmony note.
The currently-sounding harmony notes are numbered sequentially beginning from the lowest note.
02 16 mm Harmony 1 Volume OX
mm : 00 - 127 (0...127)
02 17 mm Harmony 2 Volume OX
mm : 00 - 127 (0...127)