Voice List
No.Name Type Notes
1EP Layer 1 FM + 1 AWM FM electronic piano layer sound similar to
DX1 layer.
2Doctor DX 1 FM + 1 AWM FM Electronic piano with a bright, sharp edge.
3Golden Wires 1 FM + 1 AWM Features the metallic ring of electronic piano
oscillators. For use in performance.
4SuperConga 1 FM The percussion sound of a conga, rich in
5Tubular 1 FM + 1 AWM FM tubular bells. Velocity change that can’t be
obtained with FM is added with AWM, giving a
velocity cross fade.
6New Koto 1 FM Koto sound with an echo effect applied.
7Cello Edge 1 FM + 1 AWM Cello rich in expressiveness. The edge of the
bow sound is expressed with FM, the natural
cello sound with AWM.
8Plasticlav 1 FM + 1 AWM A plastic clicking sound is added to a typical
9TX Bass 1 FM A heavy bass sound with good velocity
response, like the TX81Z sound.
10Bachsichord 1 FM + 1 AWM Harpsichord nuanced with FM’s crisp key-
board expression and AWM’s realistic sound.
11That’s FM 1 FM + 1 AWM A bright, FM-like clavier string sound with lots
of metallic overtones
123D Rodes 1 FM + 1 AWM A hard electronic piano with a lively click
sound and phaser effect added.
13Mr. Clav 1 FM + 1 AWM Clavier featuring FM’s crispness and attack
and AWM’s realistic sound.
14Snooper Bass 1 FM Bass with a distinct sound that’s good for
hiphop, rap, or dance music.
15Digicomp 1 FM Crisp FM percussive sound with a discor-
dance that appears with as velocity increases.
Good for performance.
16Glasswirl 1 FM Analog-like FM pad sound rich in expressive
17RealAcoustic 1 FM + 1 AWM Steel string acoustic guitar. The crisply played
feeling comes from FM, while the natural tone
generation comes from AWM.
18SparkleStabs 1 FM Sparkling percussive pad sound with a slightly
metallic feel. Good for music with a new age
or pop feeling.
19Zed Bass 1 FM TX81Z type bass featuring metallic string
20CE20 Bass 1 FM FM bass sound like Yamaha’s CE20. Good for
solo or ensemble use.
21Harpist 1 FM Bright harp with a transparent feeling. More
effective if played with glissando.
22Steel Cans 1 FM + 1 AWM Realistic steel drum sound.
23Zambeezi 1 FM + 1 AWM Ethnic sound, like a log drum.
24Perkethnic 1 FM + 1 AWM Ethnic drum. Noise is added in relation to
25Cembalom 1 FM + 1 AWM Bright, sparkling FM cembalon (dulcimer)with
DK type EG.
26Smackabass 1 FM Heavy FM smack bass with distortion.
27ClockStrikz1 1 FM + 1 AWM “Big Ben” type bell sound, like TX802 sound.
28DoubleGlock 1 FM + 1 AWM Dual voice glockenspiel using FM and AWM.
29Stage 73 1 FM + 1 AWM Electric piano with a compressor applied.
Undulates as velocity gets stronger.
30HandBells 1 FM + 1 AWM FM handbells with realistic AWM effects
31Xylophone 1 FM + 1 AWM Very natural xylophone.
32Marimboid 1 FM + 1 AWM A realistic marimba
33Vivaldi 1 FM + 2 AWM Violin created with FM and AWM that can be
used for solo or ensemble. Highlights the
crispness of FM and the realism of AWM.
34Industrial 1 FM + 1 AWM Industrial bass with a good crisp string sound
in the attack.
352 FD 1 FM + 1 AWM FM sound that layers bell and electronic
piano, like a DX7II FD.
36Cmprsd Strat 1 FM + 1 AWM Lively electric guitar sound combining the
crispness of FM with the realism of AWM.
37Uprighteous 1 FM + 1 AWM Amplified upright bass with FM supplying the
feeling of strings being hit.
38Chackawacka 1 FM + 1 AWM Percussion sound heard in Chinatown during
the Chinese New Year. Discordant sounds
add a metallic feeling and string attack as
velocity increases.
39Woodknocker 1 FM + 1 AWM FM sound with overtones that give a woody
feeling, like a cross between a wood drum and
bass strings.
40Temple Gongs 1 FM + 1 AWM FM gong. If played lightly, it sounds like a
gong hit lightly with a rubber mallet. Holding
the key makes a metallic sound like brushing
the back of the gong.
41Kundoon 1 FM + 3 AWM Split sound. The right side of the keyboard
sounds like gongs/wind bells played with a
bow, the left like a dulcimer.
42GS1-ness 1 FM + 1 AWM Strong metallic comp pad sound based on
Yamaha’s GS1 with deep chorus applied.
43Ice Breath 1 FM + 1 AWM You can hear the breath sounds in this flute
that has something of a VL feeling to it.
44Bronze Lead 1 FM + 1 AWM Monotone metallic lead/solo sound.
45Monster Pad 1 FM + 1 AWM With a dramatic sound just like a movie
soundtrack, this pad really catches the flavor
of FM.
46Aluminum 1 FM + 1 AWM Strong pad with chiff (organ pipe noise) added
with metallic overtones.
47Bite-a-Synth 1 FM + 1 AWM Really crisp, metallic FM oscillator sound.
Good for performance or pad use.
48Tinezzz 1 FM + 2 AWM DX piano layered with a nicely ringing pad and
with chorus applied.
49Tam-Tam 1 FM + 1 AWM Untuned gong sound. By striking multiple keys
with a lot of spirit, you can get really good
50Clickorgan 1 FM + 1 AWM An organ sound with heavy plastic click in the
51FreshSection 1 FM + 3 AWM Fresh sax section. Play it crisply.
52Ascension 1 FM + 2 AWM Sounds like a magic spell being cast.
53Better Days 1 FM + 2 AWM Makes an eerie noise. Play one note at a time.
54Touch me!! 1 FM + 1 AWM That stereo feeling just shines (old electronic
mandolin sound).
55Blue Mirror 1 FM + 3 AWM Quivering bell sound.
56FlameSwaying 1 FM + 3 AWM Swaying sound of the harp.
57Spring Bass 1 FM + 3 AWM Synth bass with a hard attack.
58Vintage Game 1 FM + 3 AWM The so-called electronic sound.
59From a Home 1 FM + 3 AWM The old family organ has gone hi-fi.
60Danger Caves 1 FM + 3 AWM Play it from below-as dark as can be.
61Afternoon Jam 1 FM + 3 AWM Guitar and vibraphone played in unison.
62HappyEnd 1 FM + 2 AWM An old organ. Play it dramatically.
63Fantasy Songs 1 FM + 3 AWM A perfect voice for playing Disney songs.
64Relax Square 1 FM + 3 AWM Synth chorus voice.
65Coriander 1 FM + 3 AWM Well-matched voice for ethnic songs.
66Drive Bass 1 FM + 3 AWM Synth bass with a special attack.
67LoFi Clavi 1 FM + 2 AWM Voice like a 70’s distorted clavier.
68ColdWater-DX 1 FM + 3 AWM A voice with refreshing DX clarity.
69HiSpeedBrass 1 FM + 3 AWM Live brass section with a stereo feeling.
70Ambient Park 1 FM + 3 AWM Soft Pad.
71Picked CP 1 FM + 2 AWM Electric piano that sounds like an electric
grand played with a pick.
72Sand Pad 1 FM + 2 AWM Warm synth pad with layered DX strings and
73DX-Brass1 1 FM + 2 AWM Brass that emphasizes the hard attack of the
74DX-Brass2 1 FM + 1 AWM Brass with the unique tension of the DX7.
75Plucked Wow 1 FM DX clavinet with auto-wow applied.
76Plucked EP 1 FM + 2 AWM Electric piano that sounds like a harp.
77Brass Pad 1 FM + 1 AWM Analog synth style brass pad.
78Octave Decay 1 FM Hard decay sound.
79Slap Bass 1 FM + 1 AWM Slap bass as only the DX7 can do it.
80Ethnic Groove 1 FM + 1 AWM Ethnic synth drum.
81Thai Noodles 1 FM + 1 AWM A lead voice that makes you want to eat Thai
82ElectrcNylon 1 FM + 1 AWM A nylon guitar played though a pick-up.
83DX Martenot 1 FM Martenot style voice that’s classic for sus-
84CP80M+DX Ep 1 FM + 1 AWM Voice with layered CP80M and DX electric
85Viscous Bass 1 FM + 1 AWM Gluey synth bass sound.
86Woody Plucked 1 FM + 1 AWM Plucked sound with a woody feel.
87Arco Strings 1 FM + 1 AWM String section played with bows.
88Matrix 1 FM + 1 AWM Thick synth brass pad.
89PanFlute 1 FM + 2 AWM Pan flute
90DigiMute 1 FM + 1 AWM DX-like mute.
91DigiSlap 1 FM + 1 AWM Hard synth bass.
92SuperDX 1 FM + 1 AWM Hard slap bass style lead.
93Friction 1 FM + 2 AWM Brass pad with a hard friction feel.
94Comped EP 1 FM + 2 AWM Percussive electric piano.
95Clean Guitar 1 FM + 1 AWM Electric guitar played with a guitar amp that
has chorus.
96Mandolin 1 FM + 1 AWM Mandolin that brings back memories of good
old movies.
97Reed-Lead 1 FM + 1 AWM Digital sax-style lead
98BigBang 1 FM + 2 AWM SE-type pad that has an attack with a lot of
violent modulation.
99DX-Bang! 1 FM + 2 AWM SE-type pad that has an attack with a lot of
violent modulation.
100OrinocoDecay 1 FM + 2 AWM Sound for arpeggio with an attack like a
marimba, and like a guitar used with orinoco
No.Name Type Notes
Performance List (for MU128/100/100R)