■ Effect Types● Reverb Types
● DSP Types
No. Reverb Type Display Name Description
1 Hall 1 Hall1 Concert hall reverb.
2 Hall 2 Hall1
3 Room 1 Room1 Small room reverb.
4 Room 2 Room2
5 Stage 1 Stage1 Reverb for solo instruments.
6 Stage 2 Stage2
7 Plate 1 Plate1 Simulated steel plate reverb.
8 Plate 2 Plate2
9 Off Off No effect.
No. DSP Type Display Name Description
1 Hall 1 Hall1 Concert hall reverb.
2 Hall 2 Hall2
3 Room 1 Room1 Small room reverb.
4 Room 2 Room2
5 Stage 1 Stage1 Reverb for solo instruments.
6 Stage 2 Stage2
7 Plate 1 Plate1 Simulated steel plate reverb.
8 Plate 2 Plate2
9 Early Reflection 1 ER1 Early reflections only.
10 Early Reflection 2 ER2
11 Gate Reverb Gate1 Gated reverb effect, in which the reverberation is quickly cut off for special ef-
12 Reverse Gate Gate2 Similar to Gate Reverb, but with a reverse increase in reverb.
13 Chorus 1 Chorus1 Conventional chorus effect with rich, warm chorusing.
14 Chorus 2 Chorus2
15 Flanger 1 Flanger1 Pronounced three-phase modulation with slight metallic sound.
16 Flanger 2 Flanger2
17 Symphonic Symphony Exceptionally rich & deep chorusing.
18 Phaser Phaser Pronounced, metallic modulation with periodic phase change.
19 Rotary Speaker 1 Rotary1 Rotary speaker simulation.
20 Rotary Speaker 2 Rotary2
21 Tremolo 1 Tremolo1 Rich Tremolo effect with both volume and pitch modulation.
22 Tremolo 2 Tremolo2
23 Guitar Tremolo Guitar Tremolo Simulated electric guitar tremolo.
24 Auto Pan AutoPan Several panning effects that automatically shift the sound position (left, right,
front, back).
25 Auto Wah AutoWah Repeating filter sweep “wah” effect.
26 Delay Left - Center -
DelayLCR Three independent delays, for the left, right and center stereo positions.
27 Delay Left - Right DelayLR Initial delay for each stereo channel, and two separate feedback delays.
28 Echo Echo Stereo delay, with independent feedback level settings for each channel.
29 Cross Delay CrossDly Complex effect that sends the delayed repeats “bouncing” between the left
and right channels.
30 Karaoke Karaoke Deep, pronounced echo effect.
31 Distortion Hard D Hard Hard-edged, warm distortion.
32 Distortion Soft D Soft Soft, warm distortion.
33 Overdrive Overdrv Natural distortion, like that of an overdriven amplifier.
34 Amp Simulation AmpSimu Characteristic sound of a guitar amplifier/speaker.
35 EQ Disco EQ Disco Equalizer effect that boosts both high and low frequencies, as is typical in
most disco music.
36 EQ Telephone EQ Tel Equalizer effect that cuts both high and low frequencies, to simulate the sound
heard through a telephone receiver.
37 3Band EQ 3BandEQ Equalizer with three separate frequency bands.
38 2Band EQ 2BandEQ Equalizer with two separate frequency bands.
39 No Effect Off No effect