● Harmony TypesNo. Harmony Type Display Name Description
1 Duet Duet Harmony types 1 - 5 are pitch-based and add one-, two- or three-
note harmonies to the single-note melody played in the right hand.
These types only sound when chords are played in the auto accom-
paniment section of the keyboard.
2 Trio Trio
3 Block Block
4 Country Country
5 Octave Octave
6 Trill 1/4 note Tril1/4 Types 6 - 26 are rhythm-based effects and add embellishments or
delayed repeats in time with the auto accompaniment. These types
sound whether the auto accompaniment is on or not; however, the
actual speed of the effect depends on the Tempo setting (page 40).
The individual note values in each type let you synchronize the ef-
fect precisely to the rhythm. Triplet settings are also available: 1/6
= quarter-note triplets, 1/12 = eighth-note triplets, 1/24 = sixteenth-
note triplets.
• The Trill effect Types (6 - 12) create two-note trills (alternating
notes) when two notes are held.
• The Tremolo effect Types (13 - 19) repeat all held notes (up to
• The Echo effect Types (20 - 26) create delayed repeats of each
note played.
7 Trill 1/6 note Tril1/6
8 Trill 1/8 note Tril1/8
9 Trill 1/12 note Tril1/12
10 Trill 1/16 note Tril1/16
11 Trill 1/24 note Tril1/24
12 Trill 1/32 note Tril1/32
13 Tremolo 1/4 note Trem1/4
14 Tremolo 1/6 note Trem1/6
15 Tremolo 1/8 note Trem1/8
16 Tremolo 1/12 note Trem1/12
17 Tremolo 1/16 note Trem1/16
18 Tremolo 1/24 note Trem1/24
19 Tremolo 1/32 note Trem1/32
20 Echo 1/4 note Echo1/4
21 Echo 1/6 note Echo1/6
22 Echo 1/8 note Echo1/8
23 Echo 1/12 note Echo1/12
24 Echo 1/16 note Echo1/16
25 Echo 1/24 note Echo1/24
26 Echo 1/32 note Echo1/32