Menu: [File] menu
S90 XS/S70 XS Editor Owner’s Manual 37
Imports the Voice data (a specific Voice in a specific folder or all Voices in a specific folder) from a different
file to the current file.
Click the File Select button (3), select a file including your desired Voice(s) so that the folders in the selected
file are listed as the Source Voice list (8), select a Voice or Voices or a folder or folders in the list (8), select
a destination location in the Destination Voice list (9) of the current file, then click [Import] to execute the
Import operation.
The following file types can be selected.
• S90 XS/S70 XS Editor (.X2E)
• MOTIF XS Editor (.X0E)
• MOTIF-RACK XS Editor (.X1E)
• S90 ES Voice Editor (.S7E)
• S90 ES Multi Part Editor (.M6E)
• S90 XS/S70 XS All (.X2A)
• S90 XS/S70 XS All Voice (.X2V)
• MOTIF XS All (.X0A)
• MOTIF XS All Voice (.X0V)
1[X] (Close) button
Click this to close this window without importing.

2File name (Indication only)

Indicates the currently selected file.

3File selection button

Click this to open the dialog for file selection.

4[Category]/[Bank] checkboxes

Click either of these boxes to determine whether the Voices in the Source Voice list (8) are divided into
Categories or Banks.