An Example of S90 XS/S70 XS Editor in Use
S90 XS/S70 XS Editor Owner’s Manual 9
6-4 Click [Store] to store the edited Voice to the selected number in the selected Bank.
Performing this operation will store the Voice data to the User Voice Bank in the S90 XS/S70 XS
instrument as well as that within the Editor.
When you execute the Store operation, the settings for the destination memory (of both the Editor and instrument) will be
overwritten. Select the destination Voice number carefully to prevent important data from being erased accidentally.
nYou can store the settings of the parameters in the “G” row by clicking [Store Global] under [Edit] in the menu
7. Edit the Mixing parameters in the Multi mode.
7-1 Change the mode to the Multi mode by clicking [Multi] of the [Voice]/[Multi] indication.
The Auto Sync window appears automatically.
7-2 From the Auto Sync window, click [Start] at the bottom.
Data synchronization will be started if the Port settings are correct. As soon as data synchronization is
completed, the Auto Sync window is closed.