Only the Digital Sound ProjectorTM Gives You
All Three of These Benefits!
Sound All Around You.
True Multi-Channel Surround Sound
As amazing as it seems, the Digital Sound Projectors can actually deliver multiple channels of sound that surround listeners the same way that sound from front, centre and surround speakers does. You enjoy a larger range of optimum listening positions thanks to a soundstage that is twice as wide.
Only One Unit. No Speaker Cables.
Simple Connection
Ready to Go in Minutes.
Requires No Calibration
The Yamaha Digital Sound Projectors produce genuine
No complicated calibration is necessary. IntelliBeam technology automatically sets the sound beam angles and modes for the best surround sound, while optimizing the beam angles, volume and frequency response of each beam. Your room becomes an ideal theater space in less than three minutes.
Sound is projected at the listener from five directions: straight ahead, reflected off one wall, and reflected off two walls (so it is heard from the rear).
IntelliBeam™ optimizer microphone
Y S P - 1 0 0 0
Designed to blend easily with larger flat panel display monitors and
Black finish available in some areas
Y S P - 8 0 0
The compact, stylish
Black finish available in some areas