NordicTrack None user manual HOW to USE a Custom Program, Select the Custom programs

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Insert the key into the console.

See GETTING STARTED on page 17.

Select the CUSTOM programs.

To select the CUSTOM programs, press the MIX button repeatedly until the word CUSTOM ap- pears in the main display.

Select one of the three CUSTOM program.

The name of the currently selected CUSTOM pro- gram will appear in the main display. There are three CUSTOM programs. To select a different CUSTOM program, press the + and – buttons be- side the ENTER button. When you see the CUS- TOM program you want, press the ENTER button.

Note: The matrix will show the incline settings of the program. If only three rows of indicators appear in the matrix, see HOW TO USE THE MAINTENANCE MODE on page 30, and follow the instructions to step 6.

Enter your age.

See step 3 on page 18.

Enter your weight.

See step 4 on page 19.

Press the QUICK START button to start the program.

A moment after the button is pressed, the IN- CLINE TRAINER will automatically adjust to the first speed and incline settings of the program. Hold the handrails and begin walking.

Each custom program is divided into several seg- ments. One speed setting and one incline setting is programmed for each segment. (The same speed and/or incline setting may be programmed for two or more consecutive segments.) The in- cline setting for the first segment is shown in the flashing column of the matrix. The incline settings for the next several segments are shown in the columns to the right.

After every 30 seconds that you exercise, a tone will sound and the next column to the right will begin to flash.

Note: If the length of the program exceeds the number of columns in the matrix, the same column will continue to flash, and all columns of indicators will shift one position to the left once you have ex- ercised for 7 1/2 minutes. The columns of indica- tors will continue to shift to the left after every 30 seconds, until you are finished exercising.

To stop the program temporarily, press the STOP button. The time will begin to flash. To restart the program, press the QUICK START button.

Follow your progress with the main display.

See THE MAIN DISPLAY on page 15.

Measure your heart rate if desired.

See THE PULSE SENSOR on page 16.

When the program is completed, remove the key.

See step 10 on page 19.


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NordicTrack None HOW to USE a Custom Program, Select the Custom programs, Select one of the three Custom program