NordicTrack None user manual HOW to USE the Basic Console, Features of the Console

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The Basic console offers an impressive array of fea- tures designed to help you get the greatest benefits from your exercise.

When the QUICK START mode is selected, the speed and incline of the INCLINE TRAINER can be changed with the touch of a button. As you exercise, the console will provide continuous exercise feedback. You can even measure your heart rate using the built-in pulse sensor.

In addition, the console offers a wide selection of work- out programs. Each program automatically controls the speed and/or incline of the INCLINE TRAINER to give you an effective workout.

The console also offers three HEART RATE programs that adjust the speed and incline of the INCLINE

TRAINER to keep your heart rate near target levels during your workouts, and three unique FITNESS TEST programs that measure your relative fitness level. Note: The HEART RATE programs and the FIT- NESS TEST programs require the use of a Polar®-com- patible chest pulse sensor (not included).

Before using the INCLINE TRAINER, please read OVERVIEW OF THE CONSOLE beginning on page 15. To use the QUICK START mode of the console, follow the steps beginning on page 17. To use a MAN- UAL program, see page 18. To use a FITNESS TEST program, see page 20. To use a HEART RATE pro- gram, see page 22. To use an INTERVAL program, see page 24. To use a WALK/RUN program, see page 26. To use a TERRAIN program, see page 27. To use a FITNESS or RANDOM program, see page 28. To use a CUSTOM program, see page 29. To use the maintenance mode, see page 30.


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NordicTrack None user manual HOW to USE the Basic Console, Features of the Console