ate. Refer to page
Further safe-riding points
●Make sure to signal clearly when making turns.
●Braking can be extremely difficult on a wet road. Avoid hard braking, because the scooter could slide. Apply the brakes slowly when stop- ping on a wet surface.
●Slow down as you approach a cor- ner or turn. Once you have com- pleted a turn, accelerate slowly.
●Be careful when passing parked cars. A driver might not see you and open a door in your path.
●Railroad crossings, streetcar rails, iron plates on road construction sites, and manhole covers become extremely slippery when wet. Slow down and cross them with caution. Keep the scooter upright, otherwise it could slide out from under you.
●The brake lining could get wet when you wash the scooter. After wash- ing the scooter, check the brakes before riding.
●Always wear a helmet, gloves, trou-
sers (tapered around the cuff and ankle so they do not flap), and a bright colored jacket.
●Do not carry too much luggage on the scooter. An overloaded scooter is unstable.