Tips for reducing fuel consumption
Fuel consumption depends largely on your riding style. Consider the following tips to reduce fuel consumption:
●Avoid high engine speeds during acceleration.
●Avoid high engine speeds with no load on the engine.
●Turn the engine off instead of let- ting it idle for an extended length of time (e.g., in traffic jams, at traf-
5fic lights or at railroad crossings).
Engine break-in
There is never a more important period in the life of your engine than the period between 0 and 1000 km (600 mi). For this reason, you should read the following material carefully.
Since the engine is brand new, do not put an excessive load on it for the first 1000 km (600 mi). The various parts in the engine wear and polish themselves to the correct operating clearances. During this period, prolonged
0 ~ 150 km (0 ~ 90 mi)
Avoid prolonged operation above 1/3 throttle.
After every hour of operation, stop the engine, and then let it cool for five to ten minutes.
Vary the engine speed from time to time. Do not operate the engine at one set throttle position.
150 ~ 500 km (90 ~ 300 mi)
Avoid prolonged operation above 1/2 throttle.
Rev the engine freely through the gears, but do not use full throttle at any time.
500 ~ 1000 km (300 ~ 600 mi)
Avoid prolonged operation above 3/4 throttle. NOTICE: After 1000 km (600 mi) of operation, the engine oil must be changed and the oil strainer
1000 km (600 mi) and beyond
Avoid prolonged
If any engine trouble should occur during the engine