3. Shooting |
The image contrast will become noticeably sharp when the two images superimpose precisely. That is the point where the lens criti- cally focuses on the subject.
3. Split image focus:
3. Shooting |
3-6 Automatic Parallax Compensation
The view frame of the Bronica RF 645 finder automatically compensates for the parallax between the shooting lens and the viewfinder angle by compensating its position and viewing frame relative to the focusing distance. When mounting a 65mm or 100mm lens, focus on a moderate- ly distant object. The angle of view of the bright frame in the viewfinder will shift toward the lower right hand corner of the viewfinder frame. The area enclosed by the bright frame, when focus is achieved repre- sents the area to be photographed.
4. Other Features |
4-1 Multiple Exposures
This feature enables the camera to expose multiple images on one picture frame.
1.Firstly, take an image that forms the base of multiple exposures.
2.Looking through the viewfinder, make sure the LCD panel is activat- ed. Then, press the ME button on the back of the camera. Note: The ME button does not work if pressed while the LCD panel is not acti- vated. Press the shutter release button lightly and operate the ME button while the LCD is active.