9 On the Setting Up Wireless Security page, select an encryption method to protect your wireless communication. We strongly recommend that you set up security.
Note: We include instructions here for setting up WEP
(Wired Equivalent Privacy)
The AP+4 also supports WPA™ (WiFi® Protected Access™) and WPA2™ for an even higher level of security. If you know that all of the devices on your network use WPA or WPA2, we recommend that you use one of these methods. You can automatically configure WPA2 or WPA on each device using the
To set WEP security, follow these steps: In the Key Length list, select 64 bits.
In the Key Format list, if all the wireless devices in the network are Zoom products, select ASCII. Otherwise, select Hex.
In the Default Tx Key list, select Key 1 (the default).
In the Encryption Key 1 text box, enter Key 1 in the format you selected, Hex or ASCII.