Using the Tuner

Using the Tuner

•Turn of Effect 2.
•Turn of Effect 2.
1To activate the tuner
2To change the tuner’s standard pitch
•Pressandhold for a second.
• ThestandardpitchformiddleAcanbesetto435–445Hz.
• ThestandardpitchisrememberedevenwhenthePOWERisOFF.
3To select the tuner type
The chromatic tuner shows the nearest pitch name (semitone) and
how far the input sound is from that pitch.
Other tuner types
Depending on the selected type, the nearest string name and how
far the sound input is from that pitch are shown. You can select
from the following tunings.
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21 3 21 3 21 3 21 3
21 3 21 3 21 3 21 3
• Press to switch between BYPASS and MUTE settings.