Using the Tuner
• The keys  abov e th e
displays also light to
show the pitch accuracy.
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4To use a drop tuning
•Turn on Effect 2.
• Youcandropthetuningbyone ( ×1), two ( ×2) or three ( ×3)
• DroptuningisnotpossiblewhentheTYPEissettoCHROMATIC.
5To tune a guitar

Chromatic tuner

The name of the nearest note and the pitch accuracy are shown.
Display Meaning String number/Note name
GUITAR Standard tuning for guitars, including 7-string guitars B E A D GB E
OPEN A In open A tuning, the open strings make an A chord - E A E A C# E
OPEN D In open D tuning, the open strings make a D chord - D A D F# A D
OPEN E In open E tuning, the open strings make an E chord - E B E G# B E
OPENG InopenGtuning,theopenstringsmakeaGchord - D GDGB D
DADGAD This alternate tuning is often used for tapping, etc. - D A D GA D

Other tuners

The number of the nearest string and the pitch accuracy are shown.
6To end tuning
•Press , or .
Flat Flat
Correct pitch Correct pitch
Sharp Sharp
Correct pitch
Flat Sharp
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