Prestige 2002 Series User’s Guide

11.6 Problems with the Web Configurator

Table 32 Troubleshooting the Web Configurator





I cannot access the

Also see Table 31.

web configurator.

Your computer’s and the Prestige’s IP addresses must be on the same subnet.


Your computer’s IP address must be on the same subnet as the Prestige’s


Ethernet IP address or management IP address (whichever you want to use to


access the Prestige).


If the Prestige’s Ethernet IP address or management IP address has changed,


then enter the new one as the URL.


If you have switched from managing one Prestige 2002 to another, your


computer’s ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) table may contain an entry that


maps the management IP address to a different Prestige 2002’s MAC address).


In Windows, use arp -dat the command prompt to delete all entries in your


computer’s ARP table. Otherwise, you can use arp -d inet_addr [if_addr]


(where if_addr is the Prestige 2002’s management IP address) to remove just the


entry for the Prestige 2002’s management IP address.

I access the wrong

This problem may occur if you have more than one Prestige 2002 on the same

Prestige 2002 when

LAN. Disconnect your Prestige 2002 from the network and connect directly

using the

through the Prestige 2002’s PC port. You may also need to delete your

management IP

computer’s ARP table entry for the Prestige 2002’s IP address (see above).

address to access


the Prestige 2002.


11.7 Problems with Telephone or Telephone Port

Table 33 Troubleshooting Telephone





The telephone port

Check the telephone connections and telephone wire.

won’t work or the

Make sure you have the VoIP screen properly configured.

telephone lacks a


dial tone.


Chapter 11 Troubleshooting