Prestige 2602HW Series Quick Start Guide

You can also specify phone numbers that should always use the regular phone service (without having to dial a prefix number). Do this for emergency numbers (like those for contacting police, fire or emergency medical services).

Specify the prefix number for dialing regular calls when the VoIP service is available.

Use the Relay to PSTN fields to specify phone numbers to which the Prestige will always send calls through the regular phone service without the need of dialing a prefix number. These numbers must be for phones on the PSTN (not VoIP phones).

Click Apply to save your changes back to the Prestige.

7 Making Phone Calls

This section explains how to make VoIP or regular calls (Prestige 2602HWL only).

7.1 Making VoIP Calls

When the VoIP LED is on, use a telephone connected to one of the ports to make VoIP calls. Dial a numerical SIP number (like a regular phone number) on your telephone’s keypad. For an alphabetical SIP number (like an e-mail address), configure a speed dial entry in the phone book (see section 6.9). Dial the speed dial entry on your telephone’s keypad.

7.2 Making Regular Calls (Prestige 2602HWL)

When the VoIP LED is on, the VoIP service is available. Dial a prefix number and the phone number to make a regular call. You can find the prefix number in the Voice Lifeline screen (see section 6.10). You can also use the Voice Lifeline screen to set the