ZyWALL 2WG Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation. 242
BlueCoat uses expert Web content raters to train the ratings technology.
Initially, category experts create a list of URLs that represent good content for each category. The ratings
technology then uses this initial set of pages to recognize content similar to those initial pages. Through
BlueCoat's internal processes, the ratings technology learns to better categorize pages as it rates more and
more user requests. The BlueCoat staff also continually adds new pages to all categories and evaluates
any pages that the rating process could not recognize. Users can request BlueCoat staff to rate specific
new pages or review automatic ratings assigned by the technology. Through this process, the ratings
technology becomes more accurate at categorizing future user requests.
E21. Do humans review the ratings?
BlueCoat's Web content raters periodically review each content area. They also examine pages based on
categorization requests from end-users.
BlueCoat periodically reviews certain content areas to fine tune the ability of the ratings technology to
recognize specific types of content. Also, when users believe a page has received an incorrect rating,
BlueCoat rating experts will review the categories assigned and make changes as necessary. BlueCoat
also uses the human-rated sites to further train and improve the content analysis system.
E22. How can I do if I find a WEB site is mis-categorized?
When you find a web site is not categorized as you expect, you can report to either
support@zyxel.com.tw or BlueCoat Site Submissions.
E23. How many and what categories do you provide?
ZyXEL Content Filtering provides 52 categories.
We currently recognizes the following 52 categories:
Potential Liable & Objectionable Content Categories
· Adult/Mature Content
· Alcohol/Tobacco
· Gambling
· Hacking/Proxy Avoidance Systems
· Illegal Drugs
· Illegal/Questionable
· Intimate Apparel/Swimsuit
· Nudity
· Pornography