ZyWALL 2WG Support Notes
D02. In addition to registration, what can I do with myZyXEL.com?235
D03. Is there anything changed on myZyXEL.com because of the
launch of ZyNOS v4.00? Which ZyWALL models can be registered
via myZyXEL.com?.................................................................................236
D04. What’s the difference between new registration flow and
previous registration? What’s the advantage of new registration flow
over the previous registration flow?.......................................................236
D05. If I were new to myZyXEL.com, what are the required fields
when I register my ZyWALL device on myZyXEL.com?.................... 237
D06. When using the new registration flow of myZyXEL.com for
ZyNOS v4.0, do I have to create a new account if I were already a
registered user on myZyXEL.com?........................................................237
D07. What is mySecurityZone? ..............................................................237
D08. What is Update Server?..................................................................237
D09. Who maintains mySecurityZone & Update Server? ...................238
D10. What’s the URL for these service portals?...................................238
E. Content Filter FAQ........................................................................................238
E01. What's the operation between ZyXEL appliance and BlueCoat
data center?.............................................................................................. 238
E02. How many entries can the cache of Web Site Auto Categorization
keep at most?............................................................................................238
E03. Can I specify the time out value of the query response from
BlueCoat data center?............................................................................. 238
E04. Can I decide whether to forward or drop the HTTP response if
the query to BlueCoat data center is timed out?...................................239
E05. How to register for BlueCoat service?...........................................239
E06. Why can't I make registration successfully?................................ 239
E07. What services can I get with Trial Registration?.........................239
E08. What types of content filter does ZyWALL provide?.................. 239
E09. What are the primary features of ZyXEL Content Filtering?....239
E10. Who needs ZyXEL Content Filtering? Is ZyXEL Content
Filtering for small companies or for large corporations?....................240
E11. Can I have different policies in effect for different times of the
day or week?.............................................................................................240
E12. How many policies can I create?....................................................240
E13. Can I create my own categories?................................................... 240
E14. Can I override (block or allow) certain URLs regardless of the
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.