ZyWALL 2WG Support Notes
All contents copyright (c) 2006 ZyXEL Communications Corporation. 31
Step 3. Using Multiple Global IP addresses for clients and servers (One-to-One, Many-to-One, Server Set
mapping types)
In this case we have 3 IGAs (IGA1, IGA2 and IGA3) from the ISP. We have two very busy internal FTP
servers and also an internal general server for the web and mail. In this case, we want to assign the 3 IGAs by
the following way using 4 NAT rules.
Rule 1 (One-to-One type) to map the FTP Server 1 with ILA1 ( to IGA1 (
Rule 2 (One-to-One type) to map the FTP Server 2 with ILA2 ( to IGA2 (
Rule 3 (Many-to-One type) to map the other clients to IGA3 (
Rule 4 (Server type) to map a web server and mail server with ILA3 ( to IGA3. Type
Server allows us to specify multiple servers, of different types, to other machines behind NAT on
the LAN.
Rule 1 Setup: Select One-to-One type to map the FTP Server 1 with ILA1 ( to IGA1 (