ZyWALL 35 Internet Security Appliance

Choose PPTP if your service provider uses a DSL terminator with PPTP login. The ZyWALL must have a static IP address in this case. You’ll also need a login name, associated password, the DSL terminator IP address and possibly a connection ID.

Click Next to continue.

Internet Connection with PPTP

2.Fill in the fields and click Finish to save and complete the wizard setup.

WAN IP Address Assignment

Select Get automatically from ISP if your ISP did not assign you a fixed IP address. Select Use fixed IP address if the ISP assigned a fixed IP address and then enter your IP address and subnet mask in the next two fields. Enter the gateway IP address in this field (if provided) when you select Use Fixed IP Address.

System DNS Servers

Select From ISP if your ISP dynamically assigns DNS server information (and the ZyWALL's WAN IP address).

Select User-Definedif you have the IP address of a DNS server. Enter the DNS server's IP address in the field to the right. Select None if you do not want to configure DNS servers. If you do not configure a DNS server, you must know the IP address of a machine in order to access it.

WAN MAC Address

Select Factory Default to use the factory assigned default MAC address. Alternatively, select Spoof this Computer's MAC address - IP Address and enter the IP address of the computer on the LAN whose MAC address you are cloning.