5The following screen displays if the registration was not successful. Click Return to go back to the Device Registration screen and check your settings.

6Click Close to leave the wizard screen when the registration and activation are done.

Note: If you want to activate a standard service with your iCard’s PIN number (license key), use the REGISTRATION Service screen. See the user’s guide for details.


The DeMilitarized Zone (DMZ) allows public servers (web, e-mail, FTP, etc.) to be visible to the outside world and still have firewall protection from DoS (Denial of Service) attacks.

Unlike the LAN, the ZyWALL does not assign TCP/IP configuration via DHCP to computers connected to the DMZ ports. Configure the computers with static IP addresses (in the same subnet as the DMZ port's IP address) and DNS server addresses. Use the ZyWALL's DMZ IP address as the default gateway.

Do the following to configure the DMZ if the ZyWALL is in routing mode.

Note: You do not need to configure DMZ with bridge mode, skip to Section 7.

1Click NETWORK, DMZ in the navigation panel.