ZyAIR G-3000 Quick Start Guide

WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) encrypts data frames before transmitting over the wireless network. Select either 64- bit or 128-bitfrom the WEP Encryption drop-down list box to activate WEP encryption. Select Disable to turn off WEP data encryption.

Select ASCII or HEX WEP key input method and then follow the on-screen instructions to set up the WEP keys. Click Next to continue.

The wireless stations and ZyAIR must use the same Name (SSID), channel

ID and WEP encryption key (if WEP is enabled) for wireless


3. Fill in the fields in the last wizard configuration screen.

Select Get automatically from DHCP to have the ZyAIR obtain an IP address from a DHCP server.

You must know the IP address assigned to the ZyAIR (by the DHCP server) to access the ZyAIR again.

Select Use fixed IP address to give the ZyAIR a fixed, unique IP address. Enter a subnet mask appropriate to your network and the gateway IP address if applicable.

Click Finish.

If you change the ZyAIR’s IP address, you must use the new IP address

if you want to access the web configurator again.

Change the wireless parameter settings in the wireless stations to match those of the ZyAIR. Refer to the User’s Guide for your wireless adapter.