Chapter 4 The Configuration Utility
For the powerline adapters to communicate with each other they all need to use the same network name. This network name allows the powerline adapters to understand the encrypted information sent in the powerline network.
By default the PLAs are all configured with the network name HomePlugAV, this allows you to simply plug the devices in and not worry about setting up security. If you want to enhance the security on your powerline network, you can change the network name on the powerline adapters you want to allow to communicate in your powerline network.
4.1.2 Device Access Key (DAK)
In order to manage the powerline adapters on your powerline network you must enter the adapters’ password in the ZyXEL PLA Series Configuration utility. This password is called the DAK (Device Access Key) password. This password is printed on the powerline adapter itself.
You don’t need to enter the DAK password for the powerline adapter directly connected to the computer running the utility (local powerline adapter), you only have to add the remote powerline adapters’ passwords (those in your powerline network, but not directly connected to your computer).
4.2 Starting the Configuration Utility
To launch the ZyXEL PLA Series Configuration utility simply double click on the configuration icon on your desktop.
Figure 14 ZyXEL PLA Series Configuration Utility Icon
Alternatively, start the utility by browsing to it from the start menu. Click Start > Programs > ZyXEL PLA Series Configuration > PLA Series Configuration.
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