XGS-4528F User’s Guide
trademarks 353
installation 44
removal 45
destination 291
troubleshooting 327
accessing the switch 327
accessing the web configurator 327
password problems 333
start-up 327
and bandwidth control 255
and DiffServ 255
color-aware mode 253
color-blind mode 253
setup 254
trunk group 133
trunking 133, 339
example 138
trusted ports
ARP inspection 204
DHCP snooping 202
Tunnel Protocol Attribute, and RADIUS 196
Two Rate Three Color Marker (TRTCM) 252
Two Rate Three Color Marker, see TRTCM 252
Type of Service (ToS) 251
untrusted ports
ARP inspection 204
DHCP snooping 202
user profiles 187
Vendor Specific Attribute See VSA
ventilation holes 39
VID 81, 87, 90, 91, 169
number of possible VIDs 87
priority frame 87
VID (VLAN Identifier) 87
virtual links 240
virtual links, and OSPF 232
Virtual Router
status 268
Virtual Router (VR) 267
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) 267
VLAN 77, 87, 339
acceptable frame type 93
automatic registration 88
ID 87
ingress filtering 93
introduction 77
number of VLANs 90
port isolation 93
port number 91
port settings 92
port-based VLAN 99
port-based, all connected 102
port-based, isolation 102
port-based, wizard 102
static VLAN 91
status 90, 91
tagged 87
trunking 89, 94
type 78, 89
VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) 77
VLAN number 81
VLAN stacking 167, 169
configuration 170
example 167
frame format 169
port roles 168, 171
priority 169
VLAN, protocol based, See protocol based VLAN
VLAN, subnet based, See subnet based VLANs 94
VRID (Virtual Router ID) 268
VRRP 267
advertisement interval 270
authentication 269
backup router 267
configuration example 272
Hello message 270
how it works 267
interface setup 268
master router 267
network example 267, 272
parameters 270
preempt mode 270, 271
priority 270, 271
status 268
uplink gateway 271
uplink status 268
Virtual Router 267
Virtual Router ID 271
VRID 268
VSA 195
warranty 354