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Protect Your Spa Investment!
Based on customer input, we have determined the key areas you need to be aware of to get maximum enjoyment from your spa. Please review this sum- mary carefully. Refer to the userÕs manual for fur- ther information if needed.
Location of the Spa
¥The diameter of the tub is 69Ó
¥Make sure there is room for the spa in your chosen location.
¥Make sure it is easy to get in and out of the spa
¥Make sure you can access the mechanical components
¥Make sure the room can handle the extra humidity released by the spa
See the section ÒChoosing a Location for the Hydrotherapy SpaÓ in the userÕs manual for further important information.
Plugging in the Spa
¥Make sure your spa is plugged in to a dedicated circuit capable of carrying at least 15amps
¥Make sure no other electrical appliances or lights are plugged in to the same circuit
¥It may be necessary to install a new circuit with its own breaker
¥Do NOT use an extension cord of any kind with the spa.
See the section ÒUsing the Hydrotherapy SpaÓ in the userÕs manual for further important information.
Cleaning and Maintenance
To ensure your
¥Clean the filter on a weekly basis
¥Replace the filter monthly or when necessary
¥Keep the spa shell clean
¥Maintain proper water chemistry
See the section ÒMaintenanceÓ in the userÕs manual for further important information.
that it will take 1 to 3 days (depending on the room temperature) to heat the water in the spa. The good news is that once the water is heated, it will maintain its temperature for a relatively low cost. You can reduce the waiting period by filling the spa with hot water, but be aware that the spa holds more water than your water heater. Make sure the spa cover is on, and that it is tight, while the water is heating. The chart below shows approximate heating times for dif- ferent air temperatures with a water temperature of 60û to 64û F.
| Air Temperature |
| Heating Time |
| At least 70¡F |
| 20 to 28 hours |
| At least 50¡F |
| 28 to 48 hours |
| At least 30¡F |
| 48 to 72 hours |
Water Chemistry
It is important to recognize that maintaining the cor- rect water chemistry is a fairly complex process, because it depends on local water conditions and user load. Since water conditions vary greatly, it is necessary to consult your local pool and spa supply store to determine your personal needs.
See the section ÒMaintenanceÓ in the userÕs manual for further important information.
Quick Guide to Turning On the Spa
¥Fill the spa with water
¥Make sure
¥Plug in the power cord with GFCI
¥Press the ON/OFF button on the console
¥Set the Air Control to the lowest setting
¥When unit is running, press the ÒTestÓ button on the
¥When the unit has shut off, press the ÒResetÓ button
¥Apply water chemicals as described in the userÕs manual
¥Place the cover on the spa and make sure it is tight
Heating the Spa
The heating system in your spa is designed to be economical for
Customer Service
If you have any questions or if you encounter prob- lems using your spa, please call our customer ser- vice department at