antialiasing Assigning pixels at the edges of objects a graduated gray scale of values. This dramatically reduces the appearance of jaggies.
Binary Lasergraphics Language (BLL) A proprietary print job format.
bitmap A type of graphic composed of a rectangular group of colored dots. Bitmaps have jagged edges when output at
BLL An abbreviation for Binary Lasergraphics Language.
camera back A film recorder's camera.
client computer A computer without a film recorder. Users on client computers can put image files in dropboxes so that the WinRascol server PC can pick up the image files and print them.
contrast Measures the range of shades between light and dark. Black and white is high contrast, whereas two similar shades of gray is low contrast.
crop To trim an image prior to output.
DPI Dots per inch. Commonly used to specify printer resolution.
DPM Digital Photography Model. A film recorder model that is customized for digital photography.
Dropbox A shared directory where network users can put image files. A dropbox directory is scanned by WinRascol periodically for image files to process. Dropboxes make film recorder sharing very easy.
font A typeface.
HPGL A popular
jaggies Within an image, steps along the edge of a shape that should be smooth. Jaggies are reduced by increasing resolution and/or antialiasing.
landscape An output orientation where the width is greater than the height. Also known as horizontal or wide format. Compare to portrait.