Robic SC-848W-300 One Lap Event START/STOP/RESET, Important NOTICE--- Error Indicator, Reset

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value appears. Once set, move to the second digit by pressing “B”. Change the second digit by pressing “A”.

Continue to set each digit on the distance scale until you have entered the correct distance. Press “F” to exit the distance setting process. The distance set will appear in the middle row without any digits flashing.


(1)Should you need to set any particular digit on the distance scale, press “F” until SET “mile” or “km” appears flashing. Then press “B” until the correct digit appears flashing. Change the digit(s) by pressing “A”. To exit the setting procedure, press “F”

(2)The maximum setting distance is 999.999 miles or kilometers.

(3)The speed timer will not work unless a distance has been entered.

Select Recall Up or Down

While the Speed Timer is reset to all zeros, select Memory recall as Ascending (1, 2,3,…300) or Descending (300,299,298…3,2,1) order by pressing “F”. When Descending is selected the down arrow (▼) will appear. If Ascending is selected, the down arrow will disappear.


START: Press “A” to start the timer. RUN and LAP indicators appear. Time appears running in Row 3.

STOP: Press “A” again to stop the timer. The “Stop” indicator appears.

RESET (all zeros): To return the timer to the start position, press “B” for 2 seconds.


When taking a speed reading and ERROR appears in the middle row, you have exceeded the speed capacity of the timer (999.999 mph/kph).

This occurs when you take a lap reading too soon, either by accident or on purpose, i.e. long distance and fast lap time. When this situation occurs, your timer is functioning properly and is still recording data. Wait until the lap is completed, then press “B” and the appropriate lap speed and time will appear on the display.

Multiple Lap Event Timing

When timing multiple lap events, the operating sequence is: START - LAP - STOP -


START: Press “A” to start. STW and LAP indicators appear and the time appears running in Row 3.

LAP: To take a lap reading, press “B” the instant the lap is completed. SPEED indicator appears. The lap number and time appear in Row 1, the lap speed in Row 2. The current

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Contents Part Pushbutton and Indicator Location and Operation Robic SC-848W Operating InstructionsMode Sequence Recall MemoryChronograph Stopwatch-Press E Speed Timer-Press EEL Backlight Operation Audible Beep CONFIRMATION-HOURLY Chime Part 2 Normal Time OperationPart 3 Alarm Time Operation Part 4 Countdown Timers OperationTimertr Select Recall Up or Down Part 5- Chronograph Stopwatch OperationSelect Lap or Split in Row Timing Single Lap EventsTiming Multiple Lap/Split Events Advanced FunctionsHow to Determine and Enter the Distance Enter DistanceReset One Lap Event START/STOP/RESETImportant NOTICE--- Error Indicator Multiple Lap Event TimingMax Slow Average Lap Speed & Time Max Slow Average and Memory RecallMemory Recall Part 7 Stroke Rate Calculator