1 – Introduction
Tracks can be recorded all at one time, or added, until the disc is “finalized”, allowing it to be played on CD players.
Some models of CD player may be unable to play certain discs produced using the
A variety of sophisticated features are incorporated in the
In addition, AES/EBU, coaxial and optical digital audio inputs and outputs are provided for recording from and playing back to
A sampling frequency convertor is incorporated, allowing the recording of CDs from digital audio sources which are at frequencies other than the CD standard sampling frequency of 44.1 Hz.
Track divisions can be entered manually, or can pro- duced automatically as a response to the input signal level.
A recording buffer ensures that even the first milli- seconds of a track are recorded, and a rehearsal mode allows the precise positioning of track divisions, allowing the elimination of false starts or late entries.
A wired remote control unit allows control of the
This product is designed to help you record and reproduce sound works to which you own the copy- right, or where you have obtained permission from the copyright holder or the rightful licensor. Unless you own the copyright, or have obtained the appropri- ate permission from the copyright holder or the right-
ful licensor, your unauthorized recording, reproduction or distribution thereof may result in severe criminal penalties under copyright laws and international copyright treaties. If you are uncertain about your rights, contact your legal advisor. Under no circumstances will TEAC Corporation be respon- sible for the consequences of any illegal copying per- formed using the
1.1 About CD-R and CD-RW discs
In this manual, when we refer to
By contrast, a
However, you should note that an audio CD created using a
For details of disc brands that are known to work well with the