Craftsman 247.770110 manual 20A

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Sears Craftsman 4.5 H.P. Engine Model No. 143.004500 For Yard Vacuum Model 247.770110























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Contents Crrftsmrn Product Specification Training PreparationMaintenanceandstorage OpermionAttachingthe Handle DisconnectingsparkplugRemovingunitfromcarton Rope GuideAttachingthe Blowerchute Attachingthe BAGBag Handle Know Your Yard Vacuum Chipper ChuteTo Startengine GASANDOILFILL-UPTo Stopengine Oil one 20-oz. bottle shipped with unitTo Removeblowerchute OperationTo Emptybag ThrottleLubrication CleanequipmentClean the Yard Vacuum thoroughly after each GeneralrecommendationsServicemuffler ServiceaircleanerServicesparkplug CleanengineEnginespeed NozzleheightadjustmentCarburetoradjustment Removingthe FlailscreenAssembly Disconnect and ground the spark plug wireSharpeningorreplacingchipper Blade YardVacuum Possible Causes ProblemCorrective Action Sears Craftsman 4.5 H.P. Yard Vacuum Model Part Description 781-108515 \ Part Description 720-0295 Foam Grip 734-1992 151A 310 21% 72A 12A 16 a 40028 40026 40007 46 a 70 B 72A 80 a 81 a 20A 631767 Throttle Return Spring 631024 590599A Spring Pin 590600 Aspiradora Para Jardines Operacionengeneral Ninos ServicioDesconexionde LA Bujia DesembalajeInstalaciondelmanillar Instalaciondelrecolector Instalaciondeltubode SopladoBoquilla ControlesdeoperacionTubo de astillado Palanca de ajuste de altura de la boquillaParaarrancarelmotor Llenadodegasolinay AceiteParaapagarelmotor Aceite una botella de 20 onzas enviada con la mbquinaOperacion Paravaciarel RecolectorPararetirareltubodesoplado Cuando la temperatura es sobre 32F OCRecomendacionesgenerales Limpiar el motorRevisiondelaceitedelmotor LubricacionLimpiezadelequipo CambiodeaceitedelmotorBoquilla VelocidaddelmotorBrazo Arandela AFILADO0 Reemplazodela CuchillaastilladoraTornillo de Tuerca de Reborde cerradura Cuchilla Astilladora Aspiradoraparajardines Problema SolucibnSears