WARNING: Beforeinspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine,shut off engine, wait for all moving partsto come to a complete stop, disconnectspark plugwire and move wire awayfrom spark plug. Failureto follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or property damage.
3.Cleanaround the oil dipstick or oil fill tube (whichever applies) to prevent dirt from falling into the crankcase.
4.Onengines with an oil fill tube, remove the fill cap and add oil (if required) until it reachesthe top of the fill tube. Reinstall the fill cap.
5.Onengines with a dipstick, remove it and wipe it clean. Reinsert the dipstick, tighten it securely,and removeit. Add oil as neededto bring the level upto the FULL mark. Wipe dipstick clean eachtime oil level is checked. Do not overfill. Tighten dipstick securely.
B. To Changethe EngineOil:
Changethe engine oil as instructed in the EngineOwner'sManual.
Inspectand cleanor replacethe spark plug after every 100 operating hours or annual- ly. Referto the EngineOwner'sManual for spark plug service instructions.
In some areas,local law requires using re- sistor spark plugs to suppress ignition sig- nals. If the enginewas originally equipped with a resistor spark plug, use the same type for replacement.
If the engine muffler is equipped with a spark arrester screen, removeand clean it according to the service intervals and in- structions in the EngineOwner'sManual.
If the enginedoes not respond to various
throttle lever settings, refer to the Engine Owner'sManualfor service information or
contact your local authorized enginedeal- er.
WARNING: Operators shall not tamper with the engine governor settings on the machine; the governor controls the maximum safeoperating speedto protect the engineand all moving partsfrom damage
causedby overspeed. Authorized service shall be
sought if a problem exists.
Thecarburetor was adjustedat the factory for best operating speed. Referto the En- gine Owner'sManual for any adjustment
information or see your authorizedengine dealer.
The governor controls the maximum safe operating speed and protects the engine andall moving parts from damage caused by overspeeding. Do not tamper with the enginegovernor settings.
When the tiller won'tbe used for an ex- tended period, prepareitfor storageas fol- lows:
1.Cleanthe tiller andengine.
2.Do routine tiller lubrication and check for loose parts and hardware.
3.Protect the engineand perform recom- mended engine maintenanceby following the storage instructions found in the En- gine Owner'sManual. Besure to protect the fuel lines, carburetor and fuel tank from gum deposits by removing fuel or by treating fuel with a fuel stabilizer (follow enginemanufacturer'srecommendations).
4.Store unit in a clean, dry area.
5.Neverstorethe tiller with fuel inthe fuel tank in an enclosedareawhere gas fumes could reach an open flame or spark, or where ignition sources are present (space heaters, hot water heaters,furnaces, etc.).