Meade RCX400TM Observing Satellites, Landmarks, To Add a landmark to the database

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To use the Landmark func- tion, the telescope must be located and aligned exactly as when the landmark(s) was added to the database.

To add objects to the Landmark database, the tel- escope must be located and aligned exactly as when the original objects were added to the database.

Observing Satellites

In this procedure, you will prepare your telescope to observe a satellite pass.

1.Navigate to the "Object: Satellite" menu option and press ENTER.

2.Use the Scroll keys to scroll through the list of satellites.

3.Select a satellite from the list and press ENTER.

4."Calculating...." and then "Tracking..." displays. If the satellite is going to make a pass, "Located" displays.

5.Use the Scroll keys to display data about the pass: aos—acquisition of signal and los—loss of signal. If you subtract the aos from the los, you can calculate how long the satellite will be visible. Location information also displays.

6."Alarm" displays after the location information. Press ENTER and Autostar II automatically sets the alarm to sound a minute before the satellite's scheduled appearance. You may return to regular observations until the alarm goes off.

7.When the alarm goes off, return to the Satellite menu and press a Scroll key until the desired satellite is on the top line of the display.

8.Press GO TO. Autostar II slews the telescope to where the satellite should appear. The motor drive stops and a countdown is displayed.

NOTE: If the scheduled appearance position of the satellite is obstructed (i.e., by a building, tree, or hill), press ENTER and Autostar II starts to move the telescope along the expected satellite track. When the track clears the obstruction, press ENTER again to pause the telescope, then continue with this procedure.

9.With about 20 seconds left on the countdown timer, start watching through the telescope viewfinder for the satellite to enter the field of view.

10.When the satellite enters the viewfinder field of view, press ENTER. The tele- scope starts to track with the satellite.

11.Use the Autostar II Arrow keys to center the object in the viewfinder, then look through the eyepiece to view the object.

Satellite orbits change and new satellites (including the Space Shuttle) are launched. Visit the Meade website ( approximately once a month to get updated information and instructions on how to download this data to Autostar II. If orbital parameters are more than one month old, the satellite pass may not happen at the time predicted by Autostar II. Downloading requires the USB cable supplied with your telescope.

Note: Satellite observing is an exciting challenge. Most satellites are in low orbit, travelling at approximately 17,500 mph. When visible, they move quickly across the sky and are only in the field of view for a few minutes, requiring Autostar II to slew the telescope rapidly. Best viewing is near Sunrise or Sunset when the sky is still dark. Viewing in the middle of the night can be problematic because a satellite may pass overhead, but not be visible as it is in the Earth's shadow.


This menu option allows you to define and store terrestrial objects in the Landmark database. First, a landmark needs to be stored in memory using the "Landmark: Add" option. To view a landmark, use the "Landmark: Select" option. Landmarks may also be viewed using the "Landmark Survey" option in the Utilities menu.

To Add a landmark to the database:

In this procedure, you will store the location of terrestrial landmarks in Autostar II's memory.

1.Note for future reference where the telescope is located and if you have aligned the telescope, which alignment method is used.

2.Display the "Setup: Targets" menu option. Chose "Terrestrial" and press ENTER.

"Setup: Targets" displays again. Choosing this option turns off tracking for astro- nomical objects which is not useful for the viewing of terrestrial objects such as


Image 39 Contents
MEADE.COM How to Hot Swap the Autostar II Handbox Focusing the TelescopeContents Hook the Release Pin Tighten the adjustment lockAttach the legs of the tripod to the base Rotate the legMove the optical tube from its shipping position Install the batteriesPosition the mount over the tripod Secure the mount with the T-handleTurn on AutoStar Attach the visual back and diagonal mirrorInsert the eyepiece and remove dust cover Plug in the AutoStar II handboxTighten the R.A. and Dec. Locks To exit the focus operation 1. Press Mode Point and ObserveFan Telescope FeaturesViewfinder close up Base Computer Control Panel see j RCX400 Your Personal Window to the UniverseDefinitions Viewfinder Autostar II Features Tour the Cosmos with Just the Push of a ButtonLibrary # of Objects About changing slew RCX400 Tips Getting Started Parts ListingHow to Assemble the Tripod How to Assemble Your TelescopeTo attach the diagonal mirror and the eyepiece To attach AutoStar II and connect the handbox holderAligning the Viewfinder Mounting and Focusing the Viewfinder for the First TimeTo focus the telescope eyepiece PresetsObserving Choosing an EyepieceObserving by Moving the Telescope Manually To define a presetTo select a previously defined focus preset To sync on a focus presetObserving Using Autostar IIs Arrow Keys Terrestrial ObservingSlew Speeds Moving Through Autostar II’s Menus Observe the MoonAstronomical Observing To Track an Object AutomaticallyWhich One’s the Alignment Star? Observe a Star using the Automatic Tracking Feature Using the Guided TourGo To Saturn RCX400 Info Basic Autostar Autostar II Navigation ExerciseTo Calculate Sunset time Navigating Autostar Example of Locating a menuSelect Item Object AutostarTo slew the telescope to catalog objects Object MenuDefinition Event MenuUtilities Menu Glossary MenuLook into the Future Setup MenuPage Adding and editing sites? Setup Menu Daylight SAVING, Hot Button Menus Adding Observing Sites To Add a Site to the user-defined site listTo Edit a Site To GO to a user-entered object Creating User ObjectsObserving Satellites LandmarksTo Add a landmark to the database To check on the available amount of memory in Autostar IdentifyTo Select a landmark from the database To perform a Landmark SurveyDisplayed information Example BrowseEasy Two-Star Alignment How to perform the Easy Align ProcedureAlternate Alt/Az Alignments Initialize AutostarOne-Star Alt/Az Alignment To Download the Latest Version of Autostar II SoftwareTo Set the Home Position Manually Erase Menu Option Periodic Error CorrectionUpdate Menu Option Train Menu OptionFew tips on photography with the RCX400 telescopes PhotographyPhotography with Meade’s AutoStar Suite Photography with a Digital CameraImage of M13 captured with the Deep Sky Imager Meade Series 4000 Eyepieces Optional AccessoriesSeries 4000 8 24mm Zoom Eyepiece Star Charts Maintenance CollimationTest your Collimation Defocused star images. Misaligned 1, 2, Aligned Follow these steps for collimation of the optical systemMeade Customer Service Inspecting the OpticsGauging the Movement of the Telescope 12 f/8 RCX400 Specifications 10 f/8 RCX400 Specifications14 f/8 RCX400 Specifications Autostar II Handbox Specifications Advanced Autostar II System SpecificationsSetting Circles Equatorial AlignmentCelestial Coordinates Equatorial Wedge Declination Setting CircleLocating Polaris Lining Up with the Celestial PoleRCX400 mounted on an equatorial wedge Precise Polar AlignmentTwo-Star Polar Alignment Autostar II Polar AlignmentEasy Polar Alignment One-Star Polar AlignmentCity Country Latitude Appendix B Latitude ChartLatitude Chart for Major Cities of the World City State/Prov./Country LatitudeComment Line Command LineWhat you will need Tour ModesTitle Writing a TourPick ONE / Pick END Downloading Tours Pick END Auto Slew on / Auto Slew OFFFurther Study Appendix D Training the DriveAppendix E the Moon Menu To observe the Apollo 15 landing site using the Moon optionTraining Appendix FIntroduction OperationOff UpdatePermanently Mounted Scopes Other Menus Options Save As and LoadMoon Basic AstronomyAutostar II Glossary Objects in SpaceDeep-Sky Objects PlanetsPage Meade Limited Warranty