Inspecting the Optics
A Note About the “Flashlight Test: If a flashlight or other high-intensity light source is pointed down the main telescope tube, the view (depending upon the observer’s line of sight and the angle of the light) may reveal what appears to be scratches, dark or bright spots, or just generally uneven coatings, giving the appearance of poor qual- ity optics. These items are only seen when a high intensity light is transmitted through lenses or reflected off the mirrors, and can be seen on any high quality optical sys- tem, including giant research telescopes.
The optical quality of a telescope cannot be judged by the “flashlight test;" the true test of optical quality can only be conducted through careful star testing.
Meade Customer Service
If you have a question concerning your LXD55-Series telescope, contact the Meade Instruments Customer Service Department at:
Telephone: (949) 451-1450
Fax: (949) 451-1460
Customer Service hours are 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Pacific Time, Monday through Friday. In the unlikely event that your LXD55-Seriestelescope requires factory servic- ing or repairs, write or call the Meade Customer Service Department first, before returning the telescope to the factory, giving full particulars as to the nature of the problem, as well as your name, address, and daytime telephone number. The great majority of servicing issues can be resolved by telephone, avoiding return of the tele- scope to the factory. If factory service is required, you will be assigned a Return Goods Authorization (RGA) number prior to return.