C H A P T E R 2 Intel Express 100BASE-T4 Stackable Hub
When you remove a hub from the middle of the stack (any hub located between two operating hubs) and don’t reattach the cascade cables, you split the Ethernet segment into two separate segments.
Check that the screw locks on the cable connectors are fully tightened and the cable con- nection is secure. A faulty cable connection could dis- rupt the operation of the entire stack.
When you install an uplink module in the hub’s media adapter slot, port 1 is dis- abled.
Removing a Hub from a Stack
To remove the hub from a rack
1Disconnect power to the hub by unplugging the power cable.
2Disconnect the appropriate cascade cables.
3Use a #2 Phillips screwdriver to loosen the screws that secure each mounting bracket to the rack.
4Remove the screws from the mounting bracket while supporting the bottom of the hub, then carefully remove the hub from the rack.
To remove the hub from a stack that is mounted on a table or shelf
Gently lift any hubs stacked on top of the hub you want to remove, then carefully remove that hub from the stack.
After you’ve removed the hub from the stack, connect the free end of the cascade cable connected to the Cascade Down connector on the top hub to the Cascade Up connector on the bottom hub.
Installing Uplink Modules
You can install an optional
For more information on installing uplink modules, see the documentation that ships with the modules.