C H A P T E R 3 Intel Express
A stack of Express Stackable Hubs can contain a maximum of six hubs.
Unit Numbering Convention
When Express Hubs are stacked, cascaded, and powered, they are assigned “unit” numbers that are stored in the hub’s nonvolatile memory. Hub numbers are assigned according to a hub’s physical location in the stack. The NMM assigns numbers from the top down— the hub at the top of the stack is numbered 1, the hub below hub 1 is numbered 2, and so on.
In a fully equipped stack, hubs are assigned numbers 1 through 6. You can identify the unit numbers of the hubs in the stack using network management software such as Intel LANDesk® Network Manager.
As you build your stack to include more hubs, each hub you add is assigned a unit number according to its position in the stack after the NMM is reset or the stack is renumbered through network management software.
Partitioned Ports
When the Express Stackable Hub detects a large number of consecutive collisions on a port, it automatically disables, or partitions, that port. These collisions often occur due to excessive traffic or a malfunctioning port or network adapter. After the problem is corrected, the port is automatically