HP recommends Windows Vista® Business
Operating Systems
What Operating Systems are available on the new HP xw4550 Workstation?
Genuine Windows Vista® Business
HP Installer Kit for Linux (includes drivers for both
Certain Windows Vista product features require advanced or additional hardware. See http://www.microsoft.com/windowsvista/getready/hardwarereqs.mspx and http://www.microsoft.com/windowsvista/getready/capable.mspx for details. Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor can help you determine which features of Windows Vista will run on your computer. To download the tool, visit http://www.windowsvista.com/upgradeadvisor. Windows Vista Business disk also included for future upgrade if desired.
1Available for end user customers that are a business (including governmental or educational institutions) who are expected to annually order at least 25 Customer Systems with the same Custom Image.
Is dual OS preload an option? Dual OS preload will not be offered due to restrictions of licensing agreements.
Is Microsoft Windows XP x64 Edition supported on the new HP xw4550 Workstations?
Microsoft Windows XP x64 Edition is not supported on the new HP xw4550. Microsoft plans to discontinue authorization for OEMs like HP to preinstall this OS in early 2008.
Is Microsoft Windows 2000 supported on the new HP xw4550 Workstations?
Microsoft Windows 2000 is not supported on the new HP xw4550. Microsoft discontinued OEM sales of Windows 2000 on March 31, 2004. Tier 1 OEMs, such as HP, can no longer ship systems with this OS.
Will existing
This is highly dependent on the specific application. Many
Does the HP xw4550 | Yes. Red Hat Enterprise WS 4 and WS 5 are available via the HP Installer Kit for Linux Q1, 2008. HP also offers Red |
Workstation support linux? | Flag Linux 5 preinstalled for customers in China. |
What is the HP Installer Kit for Linux?
(The HP Installer Kit for Linux is expected to be available on the HP xw4550 Workstation Q1, 2008.)
The HP Installer Kit for Linux is a set of HP provided CD’s to be used in conjunction with a Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation to complete your Linux workstation installation. The CD’s in the HPIKL are:
• HP Driver CD for Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 4 and 5.
This is a “post install” CD used at the end of a Red Hat Enterprise Linux installation which contains HP content for your Linux workstation. Content provided includes:
•NVIDIA and ATI accelerated graphics drivers that have passed HP quality standards and are compatible with the hardware platform and RHEL releases
•HP Documentation links
•Additional hardware drivers provided by HP that are not part of the standard Red Hat Enterprise Linux releases All content provided on this CD is compatible with RHEL WS 4 and RHEL WS 5.
•Red Hat Driver Disk - for a specific Red Hat Enterprise Linux Update
This is the “RED” CD and is not included in ALL versions of the HPIKL. It will be included with the HPIKL when a hard- ware driver is required for the workstation platform that has not yet become a part of a standard Red Hat Enterprise Linux release. The next subsequent Update from Red Hat removes the need for this CD.
For information on how to use the HP Driver CD or the Red Hat Driver Disk, refer to the HP Linux Workstation User manual at http://www.hp.com/support/linux_user_manual (See chapters