IDE Channel 0 Master, Slave
Auto | Allows BIOS to automatically detect IDE devices during POST(default) |
None | Select this if no IDE devices are used and the system will skip the automatic |
| detection step and allow for faster system start up. |
Manual | User can manually input the correct settings |
Access Mode | Use this to set the access mode for the hard drive. The four options are: |
| CHS/LBA/Large/Auto(default:Auto) |
Hard drive information should be labeled on the outside drive casing. Enter the appropriate option based on this information.
Cylinder | Number of cylinders |
Head | Number of heads |
Precomp | Write precomp |
Landing Zone | Landing zone |
Sector | Number of sectors |
If a hard disk has not been installed, select NONE and press <Enter>.
IDE Channel 2/3 Master, Slave
Auto | Allows BIOS to automatically detect IDE devices during POST(default) |
None | Select this if no IDE devices are used and the system will skip the automatic |
| detection step and allow for faster system start up. |
Access Mode | Use this to set the access mode for the hard drive. The four options are: |
| Large/Auto(default:Auto) |
Hard drive information should be labeled on the outside drive casing. Enter the appropriate option based on this information.
Cylinder | Number of cylinders |
Head | Number of heads |
Precomp | Write precomp |
Landing Zone | Landing zone |
Sector | Number of sectors |
If a hard disk has not been installed, select NONE and press <Enter>.
Drive A / Drive B
The category identifies the types of floppy disk drive A or drive B that has been installed in the computer.
360K, 5.25" 1.2M, 5.25"
720K, 3.5"
1.44M, 3.5" 2.88M, 3.5"
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