Various Printing Methods
Function | Overview |
| Printer Driver | ||
| PCL |
| Post | PPD |
| Script |
Output Tray | Selects the tray where to output the printed | o |
| o | o |
| pages. |
Collate | Specifies whether to print multiple copies in | o |
| o | o |
| sets. |
Offset | When printing multiple copies, shifts the | o |
| o | o |
| output position of each set. |
Skip Blank Pages | Does not print blank pages in data. | o |
Front Cover Page | Attaches a front cover page. | o |
| o | o |
Back Cover Page | Attaches a back cover page. | o |
| o | o |
Transparency | Inserts interleaves between overhead | o |
| o | o |
Interleave | projector transparencies. |
Per Page Setting | Switches the paper and trays per page. | o |
Chapter | Specifies the page to be printed on the front | o |
| side. |
Overlay | Prints the original document on top of form | o |
| data that was created separately. |
Watermark | Prints a watermark (text stamp) on the page | o |
| o |
| being printed. |
Distribution Number | Prints the number of the copy. | o |
Stamping |
Copy Protect | Prints a special pattern and prevents | o |
| copying. |
Select Color | Selects color printing and monochrome | o |
| (No | (No |
| printing. |
| two | two |
| color | color |
| selec- | selec- |
| tion) | tion) |
Original Image Type | Prints with a quality suitable for the selected | o |
| o | o |
| original document. |
Quality Adjustment | Adjusts the image quality. | o |
| o | o |
Pattern | Specifies the graphic pattern details. | o |
Use Printer Fonts | Specifies the replacement of TrueType fonts | o |
| o | o |
| with printer fonts. |
FAX | Sends data as a fax. | o |
User Authentication/ | Printing is performed after the registered | o |
| o | (Mac |
Account Track | user name and password are entered. |
| OS X |
| only) |
Account Track | Performs account track operations. | o |
| o | (Mac |
| OS X |
| only) |
C252 |